There are no permanent friendships or animosities in Bollywood, but seems like this just doesn’t apply to actor Salman Khan who neither forgives, nor forgets. Whether they’re actors Shah Rukh Khan or Vivek Oberoi or Bollywood’s pretty lady Priyanka Chopra, with whom the star had a fall-out post their last film together. Apparently, the actor never misses a chance to let his displeasure known to them or make digs at them.
So, recently when Salman was questioned about his fave co-star, he spoke about actor Kareena Kapoor with whom he’s currently shooting for Bodyguard calling her the “original desi girl”. Referring to her as angel-faced, Salman said, “Bebo is the original desi girl.” A tag that’s so far been associated with Chopra after her hit hot number of the same name in Dostana. Says an insider, “Salman’s ruling the roost in Bollywood and he has clearly usurped Chopra by crowning Kareena with what was almost Chopra ’s hold so far.”
Many even feel that what instigated Salman this time around was Chopra’s increasing proximity to frenemy actor Shah Rukh Khan.
But that’s not all.