Priyanka is quite kicked about Gaga performing in Mumbai. In February this year, Priyanka had personally met Lady Gaga after attending her concert at the Madison Square Garden in New York. Priyanka had asked Lady Gaga to come to India.
Now that Priyanka’s wish is coming true, the actress is excited about meeting the singer.
“She was very keen on doing something in India and it's great if she does make her way out here soon. I look forward to meeting her again,” Priyanka is quoted to have said.
Lady Gaga’s latest album Born This Way has won her many fans in India because of the ‘Desi’ remixed version of the title song featuring Indian music instruments like the tabla and sitar. Indian composers Salim-Suleiman have remixed the song.
We’re sure it would be the drawcard at Gaga concerts to cheer the Indian crowd.
Now that Priyanka’s wish is coming true, the actress is excited about meeting the singer.
“She was very keen on doing something in India and it's great if she does make her way out here soon. I look forward to meeting her again,” Priyanka is quoted to have said.
Lady Gaga’s latest album Born This Way has won her many fans in India because of the ‘Desi’ remixed version of the title song featuring Indian music instruments like the tabla and sitar. Indian composers Salim-Suleiman have remixed the song.
We’re sure it would be the drawcard at Gaga concerts to cheer the Indian crowd.
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