Kareena Kapoor who features in the third chapter of Shobhaa De’s book on fashion that is expected to hit the stores by the year-end, insists that it will not probe into her personal life that is already under the media microscope, but will project her as a Bollywood style icon to the youth. “
It will offer information on my daily sense of style and my personal take on some of the characters I played, like Poo (Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham, 2001), Chameli (Chameli, 2003), Dolly (Omkara, 2006) and Pia (3 Idiots, 2009) whose wardrobes made a fashion statement off-screen too,” says the actor.
What about Pooja from Tashan (2008) given that she triggered off the size zero phenomenon? “Of course size zero will figure, since it sparked off a national debate. That’s one subject associated with me that can never be forgotten,” retorts Kareena, who has written the foreward to her dietician friend, Rujuta Diwekar’s book, Women And The Weight Loss Tamasha.
Admitting that she lost weight for this particular Yashraj production that also brought her and beau Saif Ali Khan together, Kareena reasons, “I think I’m the best person to guide youngsters on how to knock off those not-needed pounds in the right way.”
Kareena hopes to launch her fashion line by the end of 2011. “Simple, ready-to-wear clothes that stand out for their casual chic, the kind that make up my everyday wardrobe. But bringing out a label takes times that’s in short supply this year,” sighs the actor who already has a clutch and a pizza named after her and is the brand ambassador for a Size Zero laptop. “I’m juggling with five big movies with the five Khans, Bodyguard, RA.One, Agent Vinod, Stand By Me and a still-untitled film with Aamir Khan. With these and my ad shoots, 24 hours is not enough,” she says.
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